Eagle Watch Mosquito Eliminator


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Mosquitoes have been around for over 30 million years. They have honed their hunting skills over that time and today use chemical, visual and heat sensors to
locate their prey. The Bed Bug Eliminator and Mosquito Eliminator are eco-friendly and safe for use around infants, children, pets, and the elderly.


  • Repellant Name: Eagle Watch Mosquito Eliminator
  • Color: Clear Shape: spray bottle​
  • Size: 3.3oz
  • Repels mosquitoes and gnats
  • Obtained from eucalyptus tree leaves
  • Made from a renewable resource
  • USES: Repels mosquitoes and gnats for up to 6 hours. Repel Plant Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent is made from a renewable resource. It is plant based and derived from oil obtained from the leaves of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree. Repel Lemon Eucalyptus gives you up to 6 hours of protection.
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